It works in Netscape, 3.0x, but doesn't work in 3.0x of Internet Explorer. It may work on the new explorer, but I don't have it to test it.
Larry's Keys is a FREE program in which you can assign sounds, graphics and text to the keys on the keyboard.
Here is a simple example showing a word that starts with the letter pressed. In the zip file, this example will also say the word. The on-line example is text only, because it would take long to download the sound files.
It allows a parent or teacher to make up displays that are associated with the keys on the keyboard. For example, you can teach the alphabet and counting. When each number is pressed, you can display that amount of an item. Or when a letter is pressed, you can have a word starting with that letter spoken and even a picture of the item displayed. You can even setup a series of midi songs to the keys and make your own jukebox, or set up wavs for a sound effects machine. There are so many possibilities.
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