Larry's Slide Show is a quick and easy way for you to make a slide show on your computer. You can use it to have a slide show of your family pictures, let your children make a slide show story, or make a display for a computer store; there are many other uses. Each slide displays a gif or jpg image, along with text and an optional sound or midi file. You can either manually go through the slides, or have preset times that the slides will change at. It's very easy to use.
Larry's Slide Show only works on Netscape or the IE 4 or greater.
Click here for a sample slide show. There is a problem in Netscape 3.0x that will display the source file of the program the first time you run it over the internet. Just press Back a couple of times to see the program. This problem does not occur when viewing slides on your home computer.
Tested on a Windows version of Netscape, but it should work on a Mac, since it's all HTML and JavaScript. Download